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Sheffield Sunshine and Fun

Sheffield Sunshine and Fun

Sheffield Sunshine and Fun

There were donkeys; a circus juggler; Indian dancers; bouncy castle assault course, samosa and cakes galore at St Marys Funday on Wednesday 23rd August ...even the sun shone.

Over 300 people attended the event which was hosted by St Mary’s Church & Community Centre. Vicar of St Mary’s Claire Dawson says: ‘The event has now become part of the Summer fixture. We realize there is very little to do and by the end of the holidays peoples purses are really tight. We aim to have a fun day that everyone can afford. All the activities were free and all the food was 50p. The event this years was sponsored by Sheffield City Council. What was really encouraging was seeing all the different communities and cultures come together and share the same space, there are very few places in Sheffield where everyone feels they are welcome and included. It was great to see so many people and families out in Sheffield the sunshine enjoying themselves!’

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